Canada Post Lettermail Price INCREASE - May 2024

Canada Post Lettermail Price INCREASE - May 2024

Canada Post RAISED the rates for lettermail shipping on May 6th, 2024!  (Yes, this post is a few months late, but better late than never, right???)

Check out our original Slot of Doom How To Guide for all the details on how to prep and package your items for Lettermail shipping.  Read on for details on the price increases, new postage charts, and cheat sheet for shipping when you don't have oversized stamps on hand!


Price Changes (INCREASES) Announced April 12, 2024

Canada Post sent out an email mid April previewing the rate increase, which took effect on May 6th, 2024. If you had previously purchased 'P' stamps, the retained value increased to $0.99 and you can continue to use them for standard envelopes, under 30g.

The most annoying part of the price increase is that they they only offer stamps for the three cheapest mail options ($0.99 P stamps for lettermail under 30g, $1.40 USA stamps for 31-50g lettermail and $2.09 oversized stamps for up to 100g oversized lettermail).  For 101g and above you have to get creative with stamp combos, or go to the counter every time, and ain't nobody got time for that!

Updated GF3D Rate Chart and Stamp Combos

To save you the stress of figuring it all out, we've updated our Postage Rate Chart and provided new 'Easy Combo' options. All your old stamps are still valid!  You can purchase low denomination stamps (1¢ to 9¢) which can be added to existing stamps to reach the required postage.  

The basic oversized lettermail option (0 - 100g) will now cost you $2.09 (up from $1.94).  You can purchase these stamps individually, on a sheet or in a roll from the Post Office, so it's still a single stamp for most items. 

101 - 200g will now cost $3.43 (up from $3.19). It's a bit more complicated to get exact postage now (USA + P + P + 5¢), but O/S + USA gets it done in 2 stamps (with 6¢ overage).

201 - 300g will set you back $4.78 (up from $4.44). You can get this rate with 4 easy stamps - USA + USA + P + P.

301 - 400g is now $5.48 (a 39¢  increase from $5.09!). There is not a great way to exact postage, so we usually go to the Post Office for these (and 400 - 500g).  You need five stamps for exact postage (O/S + USA + P + P + 1¢), or use O/S + O/S + USA for a simple option (with 10¢ overage).

401 - 500g is the largest and most expensive Oversized lettermail option at $5.89 (up from $5.47). Use Int'l + Int'l + 5¢  or Int'l + P + P + P for two easy options with exact postage! 


New postage charts are available to download from the Slot of Doom product page




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